Register production

Registration of the production progress will give you the possibility of gathering the actual events directly in the production area. This will enable to monitor the production progress in real time, register on-going production and complete accounts of the actual costs.

Various level of recording details

In qcadoo MES you may record the raw materials used, finished products manufactured, working time of the employees and the equipment, people in charge of specific operations, and product batches. Seems a lot? You don’t need to record everything at once – just pick what types of information your employees will enter and when. For some types of orders you may record just the working time of the employees, and for those which are particularly costly, you may record other data, such as the real consumption of raw materials. All of this is meant to satisfy your information needs and avoid messing too much with the work of your production hall staff.

Graphical terminal for easy production registration

Your production hall workers can focus on their duties instead of spending time on entering data into a computer. This is why we provide you with a very simple and intuitive dedicated terminal where one can swiftly and efficiently record the performed operations. The additional support of bar codes on the job sheets speeds up the entire process and eliminates the risk of mistakes.

Barcodes use for registration

You may use the barcodes printed on the job sheets to swiftly record the work progress in the production hall. You only need the simplest barcode reader and our terminal.

Work instructions

The work sheets inform the employees on what to manufacture, using which raw materials and what kind of operations. You may print them out for multiple orders at once, sorting the operations however you please – e.g. by Departments, Machines, or Workstations. The information filled in on the work sheets by the workers allows for efficient recording of the progress of the production in qcadoo MES.

Generate required stock documents

qcadoo MES may automatically generate appropriate stock documentation based on the information entered by the production hall workers. For the raw materials used, this may be, for example, goods issued note or a warehouse transfer sheet. For the products manufactured, this may be, for example, a goods received note. You have full control over what is generated and when, so that you are always informed on the actual stock balance, raw material consumption, and the production in progress.

Friendly manufacturing management

qcadoo MES is an Internet solution for production management targeted at Small and Medium companies

Qcadoo Limited Sp. z o.o.
ul. Walerego Sławka 3A
30-633 Kraków, Polska

+48 881 501 347
